This issue covers the period July-September 2011 and focuses on the food security updates of the Mid and the Far Western Hill and Mountain (MFWHM) districts. July – August is an agricultural lean period in Nepal and typically a season of increased food insecurity.
This issue covers the period April-June 2011, the harvesting/postharvest season of main winter crops of wheat and barley. The overall food security situation has remained stable across Nepal. This is mainly attributed to a good harvest of winter crops (April-June) and employment pportunities generated by development aid.
Between January and March, the food security situation across most of Nepal remained stable due to a good summer crop harvest that took place mostly in October-December 2010. However, in some localized areas where the summer crop was impaired, the situation has deteriorated. Far Western Hill and Mountain districts were particularly affected by crop losses and multiple districts are experiencing a high level of food insecurity.
This issue covers the period October-December 2010, the harvesting season of main summer crops paddy, maize and millet. The overall food security situation is reported to be stable across Nepal. Most of the Eastern, Central, and Western Hill and Mountain regions as well as the whole Terai belt are generally food secure.