As reported in the previous Crop Situation Updates, the drought has had a profound impact on the production levels of the main summer crops. To verify some of the earlier findings with regard to crop losses (especially paddy) and the consequent food security impacts, the Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives (MoAC) requested WFP and FAO for a joint crop assessment which started on 29 October.
The period from August to September marks the growing and early harvesting period for paddy and maize. This crop situation update provides a brief overview on the current crop situation and outlook for these main crops, particularly in the 32 districts covered by surveillance activities of the food security monitoring and analysis system.
Paddy is the main cereal crop in Nepal, followed by wheat, maize, millet, and barley. 46% of the total of 3.35 million hectares of cultivated land, i.e. 1.54 million hectares, is covered by paddy.