• Reports were received in June 2008 of severe food insecurity in the Hill and Mountain districts in the Mid- and Far-Western Development regions, due to crop failures caused by recurrent natural disasters.
• These areas were reportedly suffering from severe food insecurity in spite of generally good production at the national level.
• In response, a joint rapid assessment was designed and conducted in nine affected districts.
• The food security assessment included identification of highly and severely food insecure VDCs and an overall estimation of population at risk.
• The assessment found that the food security situation is indeed precarious in the affected areas of the districts and the situation is further exacerbated by the sharp rise in food and fuel costs seen in recent months.
• A significant number of families are adapting unsustainable coping strategies such as the sale of land, and household and agricultural assets in order to purchase needed food; they are also reducing the quality and quantity of food consumed
• Recommendations have been made for appropriate strategies/measures to address the immediate crisis, which includes providing immediate assistance to 286,000 people in nine districts.