Retail prices of most staple food commodities regularly monitored by MoAD and WFP across the country showed an upward trend over the past one month. Price of coarse rice went up by 5.4 percent to Rs. 40.9 per kilo, while that of wheat flour marginally declined by 2.8 percent to Rs. 38.3 per kilo due to the supply of recently harvested wheat to the markets. Prices of pulses such as black gram and broken lentil marginally increased by 1.5 and 0.4 percent.
Likewise, prices of edible oils also showed a marginal increase over the past one month, while the price of red potato went up sharply by 18.7 percent due to the onset of the lean season. Prices showed a sharp increase as compared to the same period last year; this is perhaps due to the decline in summer crop production in 2012/13.
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