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Food Security Bulletin No.25

The total number of food insecure people across Nepal is estimated to be 3.7 million, this represents approximately 16.4% of the rural population. WFP Nepal is feeding 1.6 million people which has had a significant impact on reducing this figure. 

July—August is typically a period of heightened food insecurity across Nepal. This year’s lean period was particularly severe in several areas of the country due to the 2008/09 winter drought which led to reduced household food stocks and in the worst affected areas household food shortages.


During the coming months, short term food security should continue to improve across most of Nepal as the current harvest of summer crops (paddy, millet and maize) will be completed. However, the longer term outlook is that food security will decline within the next 6 months as summer crop production at a national level is expected to be generally weak. Poor summer crop production is the result of late plantation (caused by late monsoon rains) combined with erratic and generally low rainfall during the monsoon.


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