Crop situation update is prepared by a joint mission of the Ministry of Agriculture Development (MoAD), the World Food Programme (WFP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The update is issued twice a year (for summer as well as winter crops) on a regular basis covering the whole country.
This crop situation update covers the 2011/12 winter crop production and the outlook of 2012 summer crops.
It also provides a comprehensive data of the 2011/12 crop production and the country’s 2011/12 national food
balance. The fieldwork took place in April 2012. The specific objectives of the joint crop mission were:
- to assess and verify the 2011/12 winter crop (especially wheat and barley) production situation
and early outlook for summer crops;
- to assess the annual national crop production and the national food balance situation; and
- to identify constraints and opportunities in the agricultural sector based on the information
collected from the community interaction and observation.