FOOD SECURITY SITUATION (16 July to 15 November'2013)

About 85% of the people (48912out of 57544 hh) have access to meet basic food  need by their own production, from the sources of income and remittance inflow.

Main markets are well functioning with uninterrupted food supply as well as price is stable due to most of the markets are connected to the all weather roads and increased the number of wholeseller.

The security situation reported generally peaceful and no disasters and calamities were reported during the reporting period. Althoug there are 10 days general strike announced by CPN-Maoist.

FOOD SECURITY OUTLOOK (16 November'2013 to 15 March'2014)

Farm and construction wage opportunity in the district will be  continued in the road projects - Mid-hill Highway (GoN), BP Highway (JICA) and RRR/SDC supported road projects. Farm related work opportunities will be available in harvesting of Paddy, Millet and planting  of Wheat, Maize.

It is likely that the market food stocks will remain sufficient throughout the next quarter due to continuing means of transport facility and food commodities prices are expected to be stable as well as most of the markets are close to highway. So that the situation predicted to be normal in the mean time of mansoon.

The coping habit will also predicted to be traditional like; wage labour, market purchase.