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Food Security Situation july-november 2013

The food security situation for this period remain unchnaged in compare to last reporting period.All VDCs and municipality remained minimally food insecure due to the harvest of maize, paddy, millet and summet potato and vegetables ( only in cluster A and B  VDC).Most of the households have food stock available for more than 4 months.ontinued income from selling vegetables(bean, cucumber, raddish,), livestock products(goat meat, milk, poultry),fishery,beed hives and sufficient wage labour opportunities had supported to improve the access of food to the people. For instance, a total of 1608 million rupees revenue generated from sale of summer vegetables. Similarly, an appro 37,232 million revenue generated from sale of livestock/livestock products.All markets remained well functioning with sufficient food supply.Security situation remained generally peaceful.

Current Food Security Outlook

The food security situation is likely to remain the same(minimally food insecure) in the next reporting period.Currently harvested paddy and millet will be sufficient for next 4 months.Wheat will be harvested; sufficient food stock will be available in the markets for 2-3 months; sale of agri products(winter potato & other vegetables) and livestock products will continue. Inflow of remittance is high in most of the cluster.Agricultural wage opportunities will be available, remittance inflow is likely to continue at expected normal level.  Market will be fully functioning with uninterrupted food supply.No natural disasters, calamities and civil unrest is expected.